What Marketers Can Learn from Fantasy Football

Even if you’re not a fan, we all have something to learn from the 60+ million US & Canadian freaky football fanatics that call themselves “fantasy gurus.” I put myself in that category, and, as an ad man, I felt compelled to share a wealth of knowledge with my fellow marketers. But not about this fantasy game, but about marketing with a bit of economics.

Source: https://www.vitroagency.com/the-parrot/wha...

Using “authentic” to describe your brand doesn’t make it so

When used to describe a brand, the word makes marketers feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It makes us feel like we’re a part of something real, something of substance, something human. I had always imagined that a strategist somewhere breathed a sigh of relief when they heard it. But what does ‘authentic’ really mean?

Source: https://medium.com/@mrvitro/using-authenti...